sur Revolve Renewable Power Corp. (isin : CA76157B1067)

Revolve Renewable Power Corp Announces Grant of Deferred Share Units

VANCOUVER, BC - Revolve Renewable Power Corp. (TSXV:REV)(OTCQB:REVVF), a North American renewable energy company, has awarded Deferred Share Units (DSUs) to its directors as part of their compensation. The grant, effective April 18, 2024, involves a total of 335,784 DSUs under the company's plan initiated on July 6, 2022. These units will vest a year from the grant date and can be exchanged for company shares or a cash equivalent upon a director's departure.

The DSUs were granted at a fixed price of C$0.30 per share. This method of compensation allows the company to conserve cash by issuing DSUs at the end of each financial quarter instead of paying directors in cash.

R. P.

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