sur Rigsave S.p.A. (isin : IT0005526295)
Rigsave S.p.A. Adjusts Capital Increase Timeline
Rigsave S.p.A. has announced a revision to its capital increase timeline following technical issues. Originally scheduled for 17 and 18 February 2025, the offering of unexercised option rights on the Stock Exchange has been rescheduled. These rights will now be offered on the Frankfurt Open Market on 4 and 5 March 2025.
The option period concluded on 7 February 2025. During this phase, 5,301 new shares were subscribed, representing just 0.88% of the total available. A significant number of option rights, totaling 2,570,009, remain unexercised, equating to 593,079 new shares.
Purchasers of these option rights can subscribe to new shares at a price of Euro 2.00 per share. The deadline for exercising these rights is 6 March 2025, unless the offer closes early.
R. P.
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