sur Rigsave S.p.A. (isin : IT0005526295)
Rigsave S.p.A. Announces 2024 Annual General Meeting
Rigsave S.p.A., based in Brescia, officially announced its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting scheduled for 29 April 2024 at 5:30 p.m., to approve the company's financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023. The meeting will take place at the company's headquarters, located at Corso Giuseppe Zanardelli 38, Brescia.
The company's share capital stands at €368,981.06, divided into 2,592,984 ordinary shares, each entitling the holder to one vote. Shareholders must have their voting rights confirmed by a communication from their intermediary by 18 April 2024, the record date. Proxies are allowed with proper written authorization, and provisions are made for audio-video-conference participation to accommodate shareholders unable to attend in person.
Further documentation related to the meeting, including the financial statements for the fiscal year 2023 and reports from both the board of directors and independent auditors, will be accessible at the company's registered office and online on Rigsave's website. Shareholders and interested parties are encouraged to consult these documents ahead of the meeting.
R. H.
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