sur Ripple Therapeutics

Ripple Therapeutics Enters Agreements with Glaukos for Sustained Delivery Implants

Ripple Therapeutics Corporation, a clinical stage company, announces evaluation and licensing agreements with Glaukos Corporation. This partnership focuses on ophthalmic therapeutic advancements with a novel approach to drug delivery. Glaukos, a company dedicated to glaucoma, corneal disorders, and retinal disease treatments, will use Ripple's technology to create controlled release pharmaceuticals.

The technology employs prodrugs that allow for zero order release kinetics. This innovation does not require polymers or excipients, facilitating smaller implant sizes and offering a clearer regulatory path and safety profile. The collaboration aims to alleviate treatment burdens through sustained therapeutic benefits. If successful, the evaluation agreement will transition to a licensing agreement, introducing milestone payments and royalties.

Leaders from both companies express optimism for the collaboration’s impact on the ophthalmic field. Ripple views this as the first of several such collaborations to enhance patient care.

R. E.

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