sur Roemer Capital (Europe) Limited

Roemer Capital and Tigress Financial Partners Form Strategic Alliance

Roemer Capital (Europe) Limited announced its investment in Tigress Financial Partners, making a strategic move into the US market. This collaboration involves Roemer's investment of cash, infrastructure, and global products into Tigress, the only disabled and woman-owned investment firm. As part of the transaction, Dr. Roman Lokhov, Non-Executive Chairman of Roemer Capital, will join Tigress’ Board of Directors.

Tigress, founded by Cynthia DiBartolo in 2011, offers various financial services including capital markets underwriting and investment banking. The partnership will enhance Tigress' global reach, providing clients with access to Roemer’s resources across Europe and the Middle East.

This alliance aligns with Roemer Capital's global expansion strategy, granting its clients seamless access to the American capital markets. Cynthia DiBartolo highlighted the new international opportunities this partnership brings, while Dr. Roman Lokhov expressed enthusiasm about entering the US market with Tigress.

R. H.

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