sur Roemer Capital (Europe) Limited
Roemer Capital Invites Tender for GAZPRU Notes
Roemer Capital (Europe) Limited has announced an invitation to selected holders to tender their Gaz Capital S.A. USD 4.95% loan participation notes due 2027. The company is open to purchasing up to USD 100 million aggregate principal amount of these notes for cash.
The offer is set at USD 720 for every USD 1,000 of principal amount, inclusive of accrued interest. The tender invitation, governed by the terms outlined in the Invitation to Voluntary Tender Memorandum and available documents, will expire at 16:00 UTC on 26 February 2025.
The opportunity is exclusively for eligible sellers, emphasizing that notes settled via specific systems are ineligible. Roemer Capital reserves the right to reject tender instructions or amend terms without being liable for costs incurred by participants.
Roemer advises participants to seek independent financial and legal counsel. Further details are accessible on the company's official website.
R. P.
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