sur Roemer Capital (Europe) Limited

Roemer Capital Invites Tenders for Fix Price Group GDRs

Roemer Capital (Europe) Limited has announced an invitation for eligible holders to tender their Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs) associated with Fix Price Group PLC. The tender offer is valid until 16:00 UTC on 17 March 2025, allowing the sale of up to 42 million GDRs at a fixed price of USD 1.45 per unit. Detailed terms are outlined in the Invitation to Voluntary Tender Memorandum and accompanying documents available on Roemer Capital's website.

Roemer Capital is a private entity based in Cyprus, regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission. The terms exclude GDRs not settled through Euroclear Bank's system. The Purchaser maintains the right to reject or withdraw tender instructions at its discretion without liability for incurred costs.

R. P.

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