ROUGIER SA exits the safeguard plan, 2024 turnover down
ROUGIER SA, a major player in African timber, announces a successful exit from its safeguard plan thanks to the completion of its continuation plan. Consolidated revenue for 2024 is estimated at €95 million, a decrease of 3.9% compared to 2023. The negative development is attributed to a global economic slowdown and geopolitical uncertainties.
In Gabon, a drop in demand and political instability affected activity, while in Congo, shortages slowed the growth observed in the first half. In trading, Rougier Afrique International saw its sales increase by 12.6% thanks to an expanded range of panels.
The governance of Rougier Afrique International is strengthened with the appointment of Francis Rougier as President and Tidiani Jeff Tall as Managing Director.
R. E.
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