sur SAFE (isin : FR0013467123)

SAFE postpones the 2024 General Meeting and the publication of the 2023 annual financial report

The Safe group (FR001400F1V2 – ALSAF) announced on June 25, 2024 the postponement of its 2024 Annual General Meeting, as well as the publication of its 2023 annual financial report. This decision is linked to the wait for the accounts of foreign subsidiaries and to the finalization of the recovery projects of the French entities, in particular concerning the hearing contesting the liabilities scheduled for July 2, 2024.

Safe Group remains focused on executing its strategic initiatives. The Group promises to inform the market of the new dates of the Annual General Meeting by September 30, 2024, and of the publication of the 2023 annual results as soon as possible.

R. H.

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