SAINT-GOBAIN Executes Share Buyback as Part of Authorized Program

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action SAINT-GOBAIN (EPA:SGO).

SAINT-GOBAIN announced the completion of a share buyback, conducted over March 11th and March 12th, 2024, as part of its authorized program. The transactions took place under the regulation set by the European Union regarding market abuse (Regulation (EU) No 596/2014, Article 5 §2), following approval during the Annual General Meeting on June 8, 2023.

The company reported acquiring a total of 88,015 shares across the two-day period, with the daily weighted average purchase prices set at €67.908 for March 11th and €67.878 for March 12th. The overall expenditure for this buyback amounted to €5,975,637. These transactions were executed on several markets, including AQEU, CEUX, TQEX, and XPAR, according to the disclosed information.

This information contributes to the transparency and adherence to regulations that SAINT-GOBAIN maintains concerning its share trading activities. The share buyback aligns with their strategic financial planning, as authorized by their shareholders.

R. E.

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