Samantha A. Ciulla Appointed Director of Business Development at Inspire Veterinary Partners

Inspire Veterinary Partners, Inc. (Nasdaq: IVP) has announced the appointment of Samantha A. Ciulla as the new Director of Business Development. With over a decade of experience in the veterinary sector, Ciulla will lead the company's business development efforts, focusing on market expansion, partnerships, and strategic acquisitions.

Ciulla brings extensive expertise in acquisition processes, having successfully driven acquisition strategies in her previous roles. Her professional background includes tenures at Sterling Point Advisors and VCA, now known as Mars Veterinary Health.

Kimball Carr, CEO of Inspire, expressed confidence in Ciulla's abilities to enhance the company's growth through acquisitions and partnerships. Ciulla aims to leverage favorable trends in the pet care industry to reinforce Inspire's position as a trusted partner for veterinarians.

R. H.

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