sur Belimo Holding AG (isin : CH0001503199)
Sandra Pitt to Join Executive Committee of Belimo Group
The Board of Directors of Belimo Holding AG announced the appointment of Sandra Pitt as a member of the Executive Committee, effective January 1, 2025. Pitt, currently Head of Global Human Resources, has served in HR leadership roles at Belimo since January 2022.
Pitt's track record in HR leadership has been exemplary. The expansion of HR responsibilities at Belimo aligns with its growth strategy. Her new role will see her titled as Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO).
Before joining Belimo, Pitt was a member of the Executive Board of Burckhardt Compression Group from 2015 to 2021. She holds a Bachelor's in Business Administration and an MBA in International Finance and HR.
R. E.
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