sur Thai Cement Manufacturers Association (TCMA)
Saraburi Sandbox Joins Global Green Energy Initiative
The Thai Cement Manufacturers Association (TCMA) announced the inclusion of the "Saraburi Sandbox Low Carbon City" in the World Economic Forum's Transitioning Industrial Clusters Initiative. This marks Thailand's first industrial cluster, becoming the third in ASEAN and 21st worldwide, to join the initiative. This step underscores TCMA's role in advancing the energy transition towards low-carbon urban development.
Launched in August 2023, the project employs a public-private-people partnership (PPP) model. It includes transitions to low-carbon cement and aims to phase out high-carbon alternatives by 2025. Initiatives such as grid modernization, alternative fuels adoption, and carbon capture technology form the core of its strategy.
The Saraburi project, already backed by over 21 local agencies and significant government support, exemplifies collaboration among Thai industries. With financial backing, including 200 million Baht from Canada, the initiative aligns with Thailand's goal to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.
R. P.
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