sur Schlatter Industries AG (isin : CH0002277314)
Schlatter Industries Reports Decrease in Sales for 2024
Schlatter Industries AG has announced a decrease in sales and order intake for the 2024 financial year. The company's order intake fell to CHF 100.7 million from CHF 113.1 million in 2023, marking an 11% decline. Net sales also decreased by 11.4%, amounting to CHF 114.0 million compared to CHF 128.6 million the previous year. The order backlog as of December 31, 2024, was CHF 61.4 million, down 16.9% from CHF 73.9 million at the same time in 2023.
Sales decreased across both main segments. The welding segment saw an 11.3% drop in order intake and an 8.6% decline in sales, while the weaving segment experienced a 9.4% drop in order intake and a 21.2% decrease in sales. Despite these figures, the market outlook for 2025 remains positive, with high utilization of plants anticipated for the current year.
R. P.
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