sur Schletter International B.V. (isin : NO0012530973)

Schletter Awarded for its Progress on Sustainability

Kirchdorf/Haag, June 17, 2024. Schletter Group has received a bronze medal for its first-ever sustainability assessment from the internationally renowned rating agency, EcoVadis. This rating places the solar mounting system manufacturer among the top 35 percent of metalworking companies assessed in the last twelve months.

“The bronze sustainability rating proves that the path we are on is bearing fruit. It also shows that we are meeting today’s entrepreneurial, environmental, and social challenges head-on,” says Florian Roos, CEO of Schletter Group. He emphasized the company's commitment to ongoing improvement and achieving their ambitious sustainability goals.

The sustainability assessment was based on 21 indicators related to the environment, ethics, labor and human rights, and sustainable procurement. EcoVadis uses methodology grounded in internationally recognized sustainability standards such as the UN Global Compact and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines.

Particularly notable were Schletter Group’s scores in the Environment and Labor & Human Rights categories, which were well above average. The metalworking industry has stringent resource management and emissions requirements, making these ratings especially significant.

In 2023, Schletter Group published its first sustainability report, detailing current initiatives and future plans. By the end of 2024, more than 95 percent of products will be made from recyclable materials, and by the end of 2025, there will be a 50 percent recycling rate for raw materials. Furthermore, all administrative workstations will be powered by renewable energy by the end of 2028.

Schletter will emphasize sustainability at the upcoming Intersolar trade fair in Munich, starting June 19th.

R. H.

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