sur Schuler Incorporated Canton
Schuler Incorporates Digital Solutions into Metris Platform
Schuler Incorporated has integrated its "Digital Suite" of networking solutions into the Metris platform of its parent company, ANDRITZ. This move allows Schuler's customers to access a broader array of digital solutions from the entire ANDRITZ Group. Schuler's offerings, such as "Track and Trace" and "Intelligent Notifications," will now be available to ANDRITZ customers, enhancing productivity and plant efficiency.
Rohitashwa Pant, Chief Digital Officer at Schuler, emphasized the complementary nature of ANDRITZ's digital expertise, notably in artificial intelligence and plant autonomy. A notable feature of the Metris platform is the Metris Copilot, designed with Microsoft Cloud for Manufacturing, which improves communication between humans and machines, offering real-time insights and enhancing decision-making processes. This integration is poised to boost plant efficiency and product quality.
R. P.
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