sur Schuler Incorporated Canton

Schuler North America Invests in Tubular Hydroforming Expansion

Schuler North America is expanding its Hydroforming Production Center in Canton, Michigan, by 10,000 square feet. This expansion will accommodate a new 5,000-ton hydroforming press, a bending cell, and advanced automation technology. The ongoing construction marks a significant step in the company's strategic growth plan.

Kevin McAllister, President of Schuler North America, highlighted the importance of support from a key Tier-One customer. He emphasized that the new technology and expanded facilities will enhance the company's ability to serve customers, support employees, and contribute to local communities.

The facility currently houses 3,500-ton and 8,500-ton hydroforming presses, with the latter being the largest in the United States. Klaus Hertell, VP of Hydroforming, noted that the investment will support a new EV front structure project and strengthen Schuler's position as the leading tubular hydroforming supplier in North America.

Schuler's Hydroforming Production Center offers comprehensive in-house processes such as bending, preforming, hydroforming, laser cutting, and minor assembly. The expansion reinforces the facility's role in supporting local businesses with service, engineering, project management, sales, marketing, and production.

R. P.

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