sur Schweizer Electronic AG (isin : DE0005156236)
SCHWEIZER Honored with Future Prize for Innovative Automotive Technology
Schweizer Electronic AG, based in Schramberg, Germany, was recently awarded the Future Prize by the Ewald Marquardt Private Foundation for their p² Pack® Embedding Technology, an innovative approach designed to enhance the efficiency of electric vehicles. The technology recovers and reutilizes energy generated during braking, improving fuel economy and reducing CO2 emissions.
This award, given for the ninth time, recognized the Schweizer Electronic team's contribution to over 40 entries, praising its potential to significantly impact environmental sustainability and automotive performance. The technology ensures that electric vehicles not only perform better but also contribute less environmental impact by integrating advanced energy recovery systems into their design.
The ceremony was held at the Foundation's headquarters in Rietheim-Weilheim, where Schweizer's representatives, Thomas Gottwald and Alexander Neumann, received a €5,000 prize. Gottwald, the Chief Technology Officer of Schweizer Electronic AG, expressed gratitude towards the foundation and highlighted the company's dedication to supporting pioneering automotive solutions.
R. E.
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