sur EcoPilot Canada | USA

Shannex expands the use of Ecopilot® technology to reduce emissions

Shannex, the first ISO 50001 certified senior living organization in Canada, is making progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions by deploying Ecopilot® technology in more of its communities. In 2020, the installation of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) software Ecopilot® for HVAC systems in seven communities in Nova Scotia resulted in a significant reduction in total energy consumption of the buildings. Building on this success, Shannex is now implementing Ecopilot® in 24 additional communities across New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Ontario.

Shannex aims to transform how sustainability is prioritized within the organization with ambitious goals in sight. The expansion of the project is expected to be completed early this year and could result in savings of 3,830,000 kilowatt-hours (KWh), equivalent to the energy consumption of nearly 350 households for a year. This project is carried out in collaboration with Ecopilot Canada, Shannex's partner in achieving its ecological objectives.

In recognition of its exemplary leadership in environmental management, Shannex has been awarded the 2023 Carbon Hero Award from EcoPilot Canada | USA. This award acknowledges the organization's commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Ecopilot®, with its innovative approach, helps optimize energy consumption, enhance occupants' comfort, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

R. H.

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