sur Allterco JSCo (isin : BG1100003166)

Shelly Group Surpasses 2023 Revenue and Profit Guidance

Shelly Group, a company specializing in IoT solutions and smart buildings based in Sofia, Bulgaria, exceeded its revenue and profit forecasts for the year 2023. This performance is attributed to a successful expansion of sales channels and a significant increase in the eligible customer base, thanks to investments made the previous year. Group revenue increased by 57.3% to €74.9 million, while EBIT increased by 83.5% to €19.1 million .

EBIT margin improved from 21.8% to 25.5%, offsetting general cost increases through supply chain and product portfolio optimizations. The group's net profit increased by 88.8% to €16.8 million. The company also reports a strong financial structure, with an equity ratio of 85.8% at the end of the year.

Operating cash flow increased significantly, primarily reflecting a decline in inventory levels with a simultaneous increase in receivables and prepayments for production. Cash and cash equivalents amounted to €15.7 million as at December 31, 2023. Shelly Group announces that it will provide guidance for the 2024 financial year when it publishes its annual report on April 15, 2024.

R. H.

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