sur Vectron Systems AG (isin : DE000A0KEXC7)
Shift4 Group Plans to Control Vectron Systems AG
Vectron Systems AG announced that its new majority shareholder, the Shift4 group, plans to initiate a domination and profit loss transfer agreement. This step aims to integrate Vectron Systems AG as a dependent company under the control of its majority shareholder.
The Shift4 group informed Vectron Systems AG of this decision on September 26, 2024. This announcement was made following Article 17 MAR of the EU Regulation 596/2014. The disclosure was distributed by EQS News, a service of EQS Group AG, specializing in regulatory announcements and financial news.
The company provided contact details for its external investor relations service provider, Meister Consulting GmbH, based in Winterberg, Germany. More details can be found at
R. E.
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