sur Signal Gold Inc. (NASDAQ:SGNLF)
Signal Gold and Mi'kmaw Chiefs Sign Landmark Benefits Agreement
Signal Gold Inc. and the Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Chiefs have entered a Benefits Agreement for the Goldboro Project in Nova Scotia. This historic agreement acknowledges the asserted Aboriginal & Treaty Rights of the Mi'kmaq and establishes a framework for collaboration on environmental, cultural, social, and economic initiatives.
The agreement, the first of its kind in Nova Scotia, encompasses all phases of the Goldboro Project. It emphasizes environmental stewardship and sustainable economic opportunities, aligning with the principles of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Call to Action #92.
Signal Gold's Goldboro Project is a major venture with an estimated 11-year mine life and an annual gold production of 100,000 ounces. The project has received key permits, including environmental assessment approval, driving forward its development plan.
R. H.
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