sur SuperGroup (isin : GB00B60BD277)

Significant Shareholding Disclosed in Superdry plc by Ian James Kellett

A notable disclosure was made public regarding Ian James Kellett & Spouse's holdings in Superdry plc as per the latest Form 8.3 requirements. According to details released, the disclosure was motivated by interests in securities representing a noticeable 2.96% of the company, equating to 2,691,442 Superdry plc 5p Ordinary Shares. This level of ownership crosses the threshold necessitating a public disclosure under Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code.

The filing, dated 25 March 2024, outlines no involvement in exempt fund management or other significant interests apart from Superdry plc. Furthermore, recent trading activities were disclosed, including the purchase of 100,000 Superdry plc 5p ordinary shares across varying prices, which range from 24.31p to 25.7p per unit. These purchases underscore the active interest and potential confidence in the company's value or future performance by Ian James Kellett & Spouse.

The disclosure also confirms the absence of any indemnity, option arrangements, or any agreements or understandings related to the disclosed securities that might influence dealing decisions. This transparency aligns with the regulatory demands for open and honest communication about substantial shareholdings in public companies.

R. H.

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