sur Arras Minerals Corp. (isin : US8274582092)
Silver Bull Announces Voting Results of Annual Shareholder Meeting
VANCOUVER, BC – Silver Bull Resources, Inc. reported on their shareholder meeting results from April 18, 2024. The meeting saw a 26.1% attendance of the company’s issued shares. Directors Brian Edgar, Timothy Barry, David Underwood, and William Matlack were re-elected with a significant majority. Smythe LLP was ratified as the independent public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending October 31, 2024, receiving 99.8% votes in favor.
Additionally, a key persons retention agreement received 94.9% approval, while the compensation of executives was supported by 95.4% of votes. In an advisory capacity, shareholders favored a triennial vote on executive compensation, which the Board of Directors agreed to implement every three years. This decision aligns with the majority shareholder vote favoring a 69.3% endorsement for a three-year review cycle.
R. H.
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