sur Siyata Mobile, Inc. (NASDAQ:SYTA)
Siyata Introduces AI Deep Learning PTT Device for Enhanced Communication
Siyata Mobile Inc. has unveiled the SD7 Wired Palm Mic Pro with AI Noise Cancellation. This accessory, designed for the SD7 Handset, integrates AI-Active Noise Cancellation technology for improved audio clarity in noisy environments. Targeted users include first responders, construction workers, and manufacturing personnel.
CEO Marc Seelenfreund emphasized the company's goal to lead the $7 billion Push-to-Talk over Cellular market by offering innovative solutions. He highlighted the device's ability to enhance communication in loud settings, anticipating it will be a significant market influencer.
The Wired Palm Mic Pro is now available for order, with detailed specifications and further information accessible on the company's website.
R. E.
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