Skolae begins the process of acquiring M2i

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action M2I (EPA:ALMII).

Skolae, through its subsidiary Eductive SAS, has signed a purchase promise to acquire 59.94% of the capital of M2i. This step is conditioned by the consultation of the personnel bodies of Prologue and M2i, as well as the authorization of the Competition Authority in France. A simplified public purchase offer will follow, at a price of 8.50 euros per share, marking a significant premium compared to the previous price.

This acquisition aims to make Skolae one of the three main French players in professional training, thus strengthening its offer in higher education and continuing education. The board of directors of Prologue and M2i has expressed its agreement, suggesting a strategic rapprochement for the two entities.

R. E.

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