sur Sokoman Minerals Corp (isin : CA83410M1014)
Sokoman Forms Research Partnership for Killick Lithium Project
Sokoman Minerals Corp, along with partners Benton Resources Inc. and Piedmont Lithium Inc., announced a $1.32 million research project on the Killick Lithium Property in southern Newfoundland. The project, started on April 1, 2024, is funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and aims to understand the origins of lithium resources in the region.
The research is led by St. Francis Xavier University and Memorial University, with additional support from the Geological Survey of Newfoundland and Labrador. The study will offer academic training for students in field methods, data collection, and scientific communication.
Timothy Froude, CEO of Sokoman, expressed enthusiasm about the collaboration and the potential to advance lithium exploration. Stephen Stares, CEO of Benton, also highlighted the importance of the skilled team involved in the research. The primary objective is to better understand the geological controls on lithium formation to improve exploration targeting and promote new discoveries.
R. E.
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