sur Sokoman Minerals Corp (isin : CA83410M1014)

Sokoman Minerals Confirms High-Grade Gold Findings at Moosehead

Sokoman Minerals Corp. has reported impressive results from their recent diamond drilling at the Moosehead Gold Project in Newfoundland. The latest assays from 13 holes reveal exceptionally high gold grades, including a standout result of 69.48 g/t over 4.85 meters. This uncut assay result underscores the robust continuity of gold mineralization within the Western Trend.

These findings are crucial as Sokoman plans to resume drilling soon to further explore high-grade zones, targeting strategic intersections within the vein system. The drilling has already explored 100 meters of strike, with the mineralization still open and further assays anticipated within weeks.

Sokoman aims to expand their efforts with both traditional and novel methodologies, including discussions for a surgical bulk sample using innovative technology. This continued exploration highlights the promising potential of Moosehead's gold reserves.

R. E.

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