sur Mawson Gold Limited (NASDAQ:MWSNF)
Southern Cross Gold Consolidated to Participate in Major Mining Conferences
Southern Cross Gold Consolidated Ltd. (SXGC) announced its upcoming attendance at key mining investment conferences in Miami and Toronto. These events include the BMO Conference, the Metals Investor Forum (MIF), and the PDAC Conference, all scheduled between late February and early March 2025.
The company plans to use these events to present its notable Sunday Creek Project, which features high-grade gold and antimony resources. Nicholas Mead, Manager of Corporate Development, emphasized the opportunities for engagement with shareholders and potential investors at these conferences.
In addition to showcasing its projects, Southern Cross Gold is set to host one-on-one meetings and participate in discussions with industry peers, enhancing its visibility and investor relations.
This strategic participation aligns with Southern Cross Gold's efforts to expand its investor base and explore potential partnerships in the mining sector.
R. P.
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