sur Mawson Gold Limited (NASDAQ:MWSNF)
Southern Cross Gold Expands High-Grade Mineralization by 200 Metres
Southern Cross Gold Consolidated Ltd has announced significant advancements at its Sunday Creek Gold-Antimony project in Victoria. The company reported the extension of high-grade gold-antimony mineralization by 200 meters westward at the Christina prospect, increasing the project's mineralized span to 1.5 km, with room for further expansion.
Recent drills, specifically SDDSC148, revealed new vein sets and multiple intercepts with notable concentrations of gold equivalent (AuEq), with measurements up to 76.1 g/t. This expansion occurs against the backdrop of heightened interest in Western antimony supplies, driven by geopolitical shifts after China implemented export restrictions in 2024.
The dual metal profile of the project, with antimony contributing 20% of in-situ value, presents a strategic opportunity for Southern Cross Gold. The company's drilling operations, bolstered by A$18M funding, aim to further delineate these findings and position the project within a global context.
R. P.
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