sur Mawson Gold Limited (NASDAQ:MWSNF)

Southern Cross Gold Expands Sunday Creek Exploration Target

Southern Cross Gold Consolidated Ltd has significantly increased the exploration target at its Sunday Creek Gold-Antimony Project in Victoria, Australia. The target now encompasses an estimated 8.1 to 9.6 million tonnes, with a gold equivalent grade ranging from 8.3 to 10.6 g/t AuEq, predicting 2.2 to 3.2 million ounces of gold equivalent.

Exploration activities have expanded the project's target to 67% of the main drill footprint, highlighting the potential for further growth. The exploration is focused on areas such as Rising Sun, Apollo, and Golden Dyke, with drilling depths reaching over 1,120 meters.

Additional drilling is underway, and two new rigs are set to join in the near future, aimed at accelerating exploration efforts. The project benefits from excellent infrastructure, including road access and nearby power sources. Significantly, metallurgical testing confirms high recovery rates for gold and antimony from non-refractory mineralization.

R. H.

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