sur Mawson Gold Limited (NASDAQ:MWSNF)
Southern Cross Gold Initiates Permitting for Sunday Creek Tunnel
Southern Cross Gold Consolidated Ltd. has begun the permitting process for an underground exploration tunnel at its Sunday Creek project in Victoria, Australia. This marks a notable step for the company as it advances its exploration efforts. A formal application is expected to be submitted to the Victorian Resources regulator in Q3 2025.
The proposed tunnel, 150 meters deep and 600 meters long, will facilitate underground drilling by 2026, enhancing the company's ability to deploy more drill rigs while minimizing community impact. Environmental surveys are underway to ensure the least possible disturbance to the local environment and community.
Community engagement is a priority, with information sessions planned throughout Mitchell Shire. The company emphasizes its commitment to collaborating with local stakeholders during the development process.
R. H.
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