sur Mawson Gold Limited (NASDAQ:MWSNF)
Southern Cross Gold Joins S&P/ASX All Ordinaries Index
Southern Cross Gold Consolidated Ltd. announced its inclusion in the S&P/ASX All Ordinaries Index, effective March 24, 2025. This Australian index includes the 500 largest companies listed by market capitalization. The inclusion could enhance visibility and liquidity for Southern Cross Gold's CHESS Depositary Interests on the ASX.
Michael Hudson, CEO, expressed that this milestone acknowledges the company's progress in the gold and critical metals sector, highlighting its Sunday Creek project near Melbourne. This project is noted for its significant gold-antimony potential, becoming crucial with recent antimony supply concerns.
With shares trading as SX2 since January 2025, Southern Cross aims to attract institutional investors and ETFs, potentially increasing share trading activities. The company has granted 700,000 stock options to officers and consultants, aligning with its strategy for long-term growth and stakeholder benefits.
R. P.
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