sur Southey Capital Ltd
Southey Capital Issues Tender Offer for Home REIT PLC Securities
Southey Capital Ltd has announced a voluntary tender offer directed at the holders of Home REIT PLC's ordinary shares, ISIN GB00BJP5HK17. The offer began on December 3, 2024, and is set to expire on December 31, 2024, 17:00 GMT. The offer aims to purchase Home REIT PLC shares at £0.04 per share, exclusively for securities held in electronic form through CREST.
The Offeror plans to avoid mandatory takeover requirements and has implemented measures to ensure that regulatory limits are not exceeded. The rationale behind the offer is to provide liquidity options for holders limited by current exchange access.
Acceptances will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis, without scale-back for successful applicants. Shareholders wishing to participate must complete the Form of Acceptance and submit it via email by the expiration date.
R. E.
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