sur Southey Capital Ltd
Southey Capital Ltd Announces Voluntary Tender Offer for VanEck Russia ETF
Southey Capital Ltd has announced a voluntary tender offer to holders of the VanEck Russia ETF, identified by ISIN US92189F4037. The offer, dated January 28, 2025, invites holders to tender their securities for purchase at a fixed cash price of $0.45 USD per unit.
The offer does not stipulate a maximum number of units for acceptance. The rationale provided by Southey Capital highlights the potential liquidity benefits for holders facing restricted market access.
Key dates include the commencement of the offer on January 28, 2025, and an expiration date set for February 28, 2025. Holders must tender securities by this date to be eligible for the settlement, which is expected shortly after a valid acceptance is confirmed.
The process requires the submission of an Acceptance Form via email. Southey Capital reserves the right to modify or withdraw the offer subject to applicable laws.
R. P.
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