sur Aperture, LLC
Spectrum Brands and Aperture Pet & Life Partner to Welcome the Next Generation of Aquarists
Spectrum Brands Holdings and Aperture Pet & Life have announced a new partnership aimed at inspiring beginners in the world of aquariums. The collaboration introduces HelloReef All-in-One 15-Gallon and 40-Gallon GloFish® aquarium kits, combining Spectrum's fluorescent GloFish® with HelloReef's instructional expertise to create a seamless experience for aquarists.
Launching in the fall of 2024, these kits focus on ease of setup and maintenance, featuring high-quality glass tanks, advanced filtration systems, and optimized LED lighting. Each kit also includes essential supplies like water conditioners and fish food, alongside an educational portal with step-by-step videos.
This initiative aims to simplify aquarium keeping and make it more accessible, offering everything needed to build a stunning underwater world. Both companies share a commitment to educating and supporting aquarists at all levels, ensuring a successful and enriching experience.
R. E.
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