sur Spetz Inc. (NASDAQ:DBKSF)

Spetz Inc. Surpasses One Million Service Calls Milestone

Spetz Inc., a leading technology company, announced today its achievement of surpassing one million completed service calls, marking a significant milestone for the company. This progress highlights Spetz’s commitment to delivering exceptional user experience and strengthens its brand presence across the United Kingdom, Australia, Israel, and the United States.

Yossi Nevo, CEO of Spetz, expressed the company's dedication to providing swift, reliable, and professional service. He credited the achievement to the team's hard work and the successful delivery of services to homeowners. Nevo emphasized the positive impact on service providers through the Spetz platform and the company's anticipation for future milestones.

The milestone underscores the trust and efficiency Spetz has built in connecting homeowners with top-rated service providers swiftly. With its dynamic, AI-powered marketplace platform, Spetz demonstrates its vision of reinventing service connection globally in moments of need.

R. E.

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