sur Stabilus SE (isin : DE000STAB1L8)

Stabilus SE Announces FY2024 Preliminary Figures: Revenue and EBIT Margin Targets Met

Stabilus SE reported a 7.5% increase in revenue for fiscal year 2024, reaching €1,305.9 million. The adjusted EBIT stood at €157.1 million, resulting in a 12.0% margin. The company fulfilled its revenue and margin forecasts, despite a challenging economic environment.

In the fourth quarter, revenue rose by 9.4%, aided by the Destaco acquisition, even as overall organic revenue declined by 2.4%. The APAC region saw a significant organic growth of 14.1%, although declines were noted in other regions.

Profit decreased to €72.0 million from €103.3 million the previous year, influenced by depreciation, advisory costs, and higher taxes. The adjusted free cash flow increased to €132.8 million, driven by Destaco and improved net working capital management.

R. P.

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