sur Star Staffing

Star Staffing Announces Record Expansion and Addition of Five New Leaders to Its Team

On February 21, 2024, Star Staffing, known for its rapid growth and ranked by Forbes among the top staffing and temporary workforce companies in America, announced the expansion of its leadership team with five new leaders to support its continued growth in the employment industry. Based in Santa Rosa, California, the company serves key regions including the North Bay, Napa/Sonoma, Sacramento, San Joaquin, the Central Valley, Stanislaus, and Solano counties.

Star's CEO, Lisa Lichty, highlighted the importance of meeting client needs and expressed excitement for the new additions, all women, who bring diversity and dynamism. Star Staffing also celebrates its rapid growth, particularly with its Sacramento office, the second largest, and the launch of a new branch in Modesto.

The new leaders include Jennifer Dutro, Vice President, with 25 years of experience in the industry, Dawn Beckwith, East Region Director covering Sacramento and Modesto, Rachel MacNeil, Director of Enterprise Solutions, Amy Kingma, Director of Customer Success, and Teresa Castillo Medina, North Bay Region Director. Each brings unique expertise aimed at strengthening the efficiency and growth of Star Staffing.

R. H.

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