sur STRABAG SE (isin : AT000000STR1)

STRABAG SE Announces Non-Monetary Capital Increase for March 2024

STRABAG SE has revealed plans to register a non-monetary capital increase with the commercial register on March 21, 2024. This step marks the continuation of capitalization measures aimed at decreasing the participation of MKAO "Rasperia Trading Limited", under the control of sanctioned businessman Oleg Deripaska. The capital increase, approved at the 19th Annual General Meeting on June 16, 2023, aims to reduce Rasperia Trading Limited's share to around 24.1%, below the critical threshold of 25%.

Following the six-month waiting period, in accordance with the Austrian Stock Corporation Act (AktG), the new shares will be issued to current holders of STRABAG shares with ISIN AT0000A36HH9. Furthermore, details regarding the delivery of the new shares and the cash distribution of the capital reduction amounts to holders of STRABAG shares with ISIN AT000000STR1 will be communicated after the registration of the transaction.

This move is in line with strict legislation regarding the publication and distribution of such announcements, particularly in territories such as the United States, Australia, or Japan where such announcements are regulated. Rights holders of subscription rights or new shares are encouraged to refer to the prospectus disclaimer document available on the STRABAG SE website, which details the distribution of capital reduction amounts in the form of shares.

R. H.

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