Strategic investment by Agripower in Auvergne

Agripower France has taken a 42.93% stake in Méthélec, an agricultural methanisation unit in Auvergne. Through preferred shares, Agripower controls 62.47% of the voting rights. The Méthélec company, commissioned in 2015, is designed to produce 3.2 MWél in cogeneration but currently operates at 1.6 MWél, processing 36,000 tonnes of waste per year.
Agripower Partner, a subsidiary of Agripower, plans to transform the site for the injection of biomethane, with investment stages up to 2027. The project could supply 10% of Clermont-Ferrand's consumption. The total investment is estimated at 5 million euros, supplemented by bond and bank financing.
R. P.
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