sur Cinema8

Strategic Partnership Between Cinema8 and Dailymotion to Revolutionize Video Interaction

Cinema8, a leader in AI-based video platforms, is partnering with Dailymotion to transform the digital media experience by introducing interactivity in videos through Dailymotion's advanced technology. This collaboration aims to rethink video engagement through dynamic interactive experiences. Cinema8 offers a wide range of tools that enhance viewer engagement through its AI core, including AI-generated subtitles in over 100 languages and video management task automation.

The partnership promises significant benefits for Dailymotion and Cinema8, enabling Dailymotion to offer an interactive video player. Cinema8's interactive features, such as gamification and customizable elements, will now be accessible to a wider audience. Alisan Erdemli, CEO of Cinema8, emphasizes the importance of this collaboration for the future of interactive viewing. Remi Leclancher, VP of Partnerships at Dailymotion, states that this partnership is part of an ongoing effort to enhance the digital video experience through innovative solutions.

R. H.

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