sur Florence Healthcare

Strategic Partnership between Slope and Florence Healthcare to Optimize Clinical Trials

Slope, a global leader in clinical trial management, and Florence Healthcare, a major platform supporting research sites, announce a collaboration to meet the growing demand for integrated solutions. This alliance aims to improve the efficiency of clinical trials by providing a connected ecosystem focused on the needs of research sites.

Both companies are responding to researchers' needs for unified clinical technology. Slope brings its clinical trial execution platform while Florence Healthcare offers its site activation platform, facilitating document management and operational optimization. This integration promises to revolutionize trial management by accelerating timelines, reducing risks, and enhancing compliance.

This partnership is a concrete example of digital transformation in the field of clinical research, offering sponsors unparalleled access to essential data and documents while speeding up the study documentation cycle. The collaboration between Slope and Florence Healthcare represents a step towards standardizing an end-to-end technological ecosystem for research sites.

R. H.

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