sur Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA (isin : DE0005493092)

Strategic Victories and Financial Forecasts Propel Borussia Dortmund

Borussia Dortmund emerges with optimism following a significant victory against Bayern Munich, marking their first win at Munich in ten years. The win, along with Leipzig’s draw against Mainz, has solidified Dortmund’s position in the Bundesliga, extending their lead over the fifth place to three points. This development is crucial as it enhances Dortmund's chances to qualify for the lucrative 2024/2025 UEFA Champions League (UCL), with the team aiming to secure at least the fourth place for a guaranteed spot.

The upcoming UCL season introduces a new format, increasing the total games from 125 to 189 and elevating the prize money pool to €2.5 billion, a 25% increase from previous seasons. According to UEFA, the distribution of the prize money will revolve around three main pillars: equal shares, club performance, and a combination of the market pool and coefficient rankings, promising a more substantial revenue stream for participating clubs.

Borussia Dortmund, under the new UCL format and based on their expected performance, is projected to earn significant TV marketing revenues, which could potentially increase by 17% compared to the old format. The anticipated financial uplift from the competition is complemented by NuWays AG’s analysis, recommending Borussia Dortmund’s stock as a buy with a target price of €5.50. The analysis underscores the club’s steady market position and potential for profitability, bolstered by strategic victories and the revamped UCL format.

R. E.

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