Successful convertible bond issue for Energisme

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action ENERGISME (EPA:ALNRG).

Energisme, a specialist in energy platforms, has announced the success of its convertible bond issue for €2.3 million. This financial contribution was placed with major institutional investors. The transaction, which was slightly dilutive, benefited from a premium of 83% on the conversion price. It demonstrates investors' confidence in the future of the group despite a postponement of the positive EBITDA target for H1 2025.

The funds will aim to strengthen equity and secure the achievement of a positive EBITDA as well as to finance the development of Loamics, a subsidiary. A capital opening mandate has been signed to realize this project during the second quarter of 2025. All Invest Securities advised on the issue, which will be listed under ISIN FR001400WJL1 with a fixed rate of 10% per annum and a maturity of three years.

R. P.

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