Successful convertible bond issue for Energisme

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action ENERGISME (EPA:ALNRG).

Energisme, a company specializing in energy performance management platforms, has announced the success of its convertible bond issue for an amount of 2.3 million euros. This operation was carried out with renowned institutional investors.

The issue strengthens the group's equity, aiming to achieve positive EBITDA in the first half of 2025. This target shift is mainly due to the impact of political instability on investment decisions. However, the financing opportunity provides essential strategic support to Energisme.

In addition, the funds will be used to develop the LOAMICS subsidiary, based on a strategy of opening up capital to industrial investors. The valuation of LOAMICS, conducted independently, supports this approach, with completion scheduled for the second quarter of 2025.

R. P.

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