Successful release of Energisme shares

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action ENERGISME (EPA:ALNRG).

On December 16, 2024, Energisme announced the successful release of 38,540,000 previously existing shares. This transaction, oversubscribed 2.56 times, took place without dilution of capital. The default of two shareholders led to the auction of their shares by Invest Securities on December 13. As a result, 99,400,000 shares were requested, demonstrating the sustained interest in the company.

The new shares are divided between 59.7% new investors and 40.3% for the management team, including key members such as the Board of Directors, the Strategy Director, the CTO, the CFO and the Sales Director. Ramez Nasser and Jerôme Knaepen, Energisme’s executives, expressed their gratitude to the participants, thus sealing the company’s full capital.

R. P.

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