sur SuperGroup (isin : GB00B60BD277)

Superdry Plc Announces Total Voting Rights as of February 2024

Superdry plc disclosed its total voting rights in a recent update, adhering strictly to the FCA’s Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules. As of February 29, 2024, the fashion giant confirmed that its issued share capital was composed of 99,080,937 ordinary shares, each valued at 5p. Notably, the company highlighted that no shares were being held in treasury at this time.

The disclosed total number of voting rights stands firmly at 99,080,937. This figure serves as a crucial point of reference for Superdry's shareholders, enabling them to determine necessary notifications about their shares or changes in share ownership as required by regulatory guidelines. This announcement underscores Superdry’s commitment to transparency and regulatory compliance within its operational framework.

This announcement comes courtesy of Jennifer Richardson, Superdry plc’s Company Secretary, further emphasizing the importance the company places on effective communication with its stakeholders. Superdry plc continues to adhere to regulatory expectations, ensuring that its operations remain transparent and compliant.

R. P.

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