sur BEACONSMIND AG (isin : CH0451123589)

Swissnet Group Secures Key Contract with Leading Drugstore Chain

Swissnet Group, based in Berg, Switzerland, has announced a significant contract with a major drugstore chain to modernize its infrastructure. This deal involves deploying 7,000 SN2103 Wi-Fi phones, tailored to the challenges of the retail environment. The project, valued at EUR 6.2 million, will unfold over five years, marking a pivotal point in the company's ongoing partnership with the chain, established in 2016.

Boris Tölzel, Swissnet's Co-CEO, highlights the SN2103's unique blend of functionality, durability, and performance as key features supporting retail demands. Feedback from retail staff underlines the seamless integration and ease of use, showcasing Swissnet's customer-focused approach.

This initiative emphasizes Swissnet's commitment to advancing retail technology solutions and strengthening its long-term client relationships.

R. H.

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