sur BEACONSMIND AG (isin : CH0451123589)
Swissnet's Lokalee Enters Moroccan Hospitality Market
Swissnet Group has announced the successful entry of their subsidiary, Lokalee, into the Moroccan market. This move is part of their international expansion strategy. Lokalee, known for its AI-powered concierge platform, has partnered with Aleph Hospitality. This collaboration places their software in Moroccan hotels managed by Aleph, which oversees more than 30 hotels in eight countries.
Lokalee's platform employs advanced data analytics to offer personalized recommendations for hotel guests. It enhances the guest experience by providing event suggestions, activity ideas, and restaurant options. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also creates new revenue opportunities for hotels through in-app bookings.
Morocco, a rapidly growing tourist destination, welcomed 14.5 million visitors in 2023. Boasting rich cultural heritage and diverse landscapes, cities like Casablanca and Marrakech are becoming increasingly popular.
R. P.
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